Sunday, December 19, 2010

Who'd a thought!

I feel a new blog post coming on...stay tuned...

Eh. No time like the present:)

I have never come into the holiday season feeling so emotionally drained. Luckily, I guess, that gives me the opportunity to really fill up my "bucket" with the wonderfulness of the season as well. I have been able to enjoy Mayflower's first junior high Christmas concert, make a gingerbread house with my girls, rehearse with my ward choir (performing our program on the 26th) and sing with as near to a full voice as I am able because of the timing of my latest Botox injection. Rock and I slipped down to the Ogden Tabernacle last Sunday and joined in the annual Messiah sing-in. Apparently with the remodeling of the Temple in the works, the Tabernacle may not be available next year and the organizers of the sing-in warned that this may be the last one for awhile. I am glad we went! I have also found new Christmas music favorites on Pandora radio. Who'd a thought! I have been blessed to go visiting with my RS presidency some of the sisters in my ward and have been truly touched and strengthened through them and their sweet testimonies that they have....And! Scout is on her way home from Dixie State as I type!
I have also had to learn the art of letting go of some things, which I may or may not elaborate on at a later time:)

But most of all, I hope.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Love you!! I hope too!