Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Little Stream

The Rock and I made a quick trip up to Star Valley, WY Saturday night to visit his parents at the RV hang out place. They took us on a fun little hike to see an intermittent (about every 12-20 Minutes) or "breathing" spring. It was running just as we came in sight of it, but gradually stopped as we got to the source at the top of the canyon. We waited so long for it to start again that the rocks were drying out. And then... "a stream was formed... that grew...and grew. awoke! remembered! had a purpose...given to it by the Great Spirit...Who knew what would make the little stream happy."


CowboyBob said...

All the years I drove through Afton every month and never heard of this wonder. Thanks.

WildBound said...

Fascinating. And You make Wyoming look so pretty....

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Petroleum to get there: $60

Dinner with the folks: $23

An awesome natural phenomenon; great shots to help the story along; and a moving poem to stir the soul and imagination, just as the rocks stir the intermittent waters: Priceless.

Desertbound said...

AT - you have the soul of a poet. Thank you.