Thursday, May 8, 2008

Please come, Summertime!

The Rock- State Tennis tomorrow then pretty much "done". Driving students all over the place. Actually, they are doing the driving...
Shematite- roommate backed out of the townhouse. Home for the summer. Looking for employment.
Scout- AP history test tomorrow, got a 94% on college math 1060 class final. Pretty much "done".
Michex - Finishing end of level tests, signing up for driver's ed theory. Done.
Mayflower - Turned the big "10" and had lot's of fun at the Wave Pool. Spring Choir concert last month, school talent show coming up, still tumbling, starting piano next week, signed up for swimming lessons and looking forward to horse camp with cousin Emily.
Me, DB - planted peas and radishes a couple weeks ago, tomatoes and peppers last night. Digging in my flower beds, weeding, planting. Having Rock cut down pesky aspen trees in our front yard that keep sending shoots up in the lawn. I love aspen trees anywhere else:) Sooooooo looking forward to summer...


Bethany said...

Love all the updating. Happy 10th Quincy!

horsesaytheresay said...

WOW!!! our babies are a whole decade old... I remember that cute baby hair-doo...Now she looks like a princess...So many talents how fun!!!

CowboyBob said...

Are you busy enough? Lookin'forward to summer, too.